Author Topic: Exam Rules  (Read 11177 times)

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Exam Rules
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:26:28 PM »
Daffodil International School

Exam Rules

1)   No folder is allowed in the Exam Hall- one board is sufficient to write on.
2)   Students must carry their pen, eraser, sharpener (all is needed to write) in their hands or in a transparent plastic pencil box/bag.
3)   Students are not to borrow any thing from any body during the examination.
4)   Talking inside the exam hall is forbidden- 5 marks will be deducted for any attempt to talk. The student may be asked to leave the room at the teacher’s discretion.
5)   When the examination starts, the student must write his/her name only, on the question paper. No other writing is permitted.
6)   Students will start their answer writing from second page of the answer script.
7)    Students must write their name, class and subject on the front page and on alternate pages. Students must also number their pages. They must mark the answer correctly.
8)   An unmarked answer will not be corrected or marked.
9)   The math rough work should be done on the right side of the answer script after drawing 1.5 inch margin
10)   Students must not read the question paper before the bell rings to start the exam. The question paper will be placed upside down on their desks during this time. They must not write anything after the bell rings to end the exam.
11)   Any student arriving later than half an hour of the scheduled exam time will not be permitted extra time.
12)   No student may leave the exam hall 15 minutes before the allotted time.