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Messages - Mahmud

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Be a Leader / Meet The Management 2023
« on: June 17, 2023, 05:35:27 PM »
The Honorable Chairman of Daffodil Family, Dr. Md. Sabur Khan has recently met with the dedicated teachers of all branches of DIS, Dhaka. During the meeting, he shared significant planning, guidelines, and strategies aimed at improving the quality of education provided to the students.
The three advice of the Chairman of the institution were basically most crucial: 1. Teachers should be interactive with students and highlight their best performances, 2. Students should be encouraged to practice their intellect and thinking to make them competent people and 3. For the overall development of the institution, the development of education should be done by coordinating between teachers, students and parents.  emphasized the importance of shaping a bright future for the students, who will eventually lead the nation of tomorrow. As a result of this meeting, we can expect to see positive changes and advancements in the education system at is impressive that the Chairman conducted the quiz and question-answer sessions himself. It shows his dedication to engaging with the attendees and making the event a success. It was a memorable experience for everyone who attended.More guests were present and delighted the program  CEO, Mohammad Nuruzzaman, COO, Dr. Mohamed Emran Hossain, and our beloved Founder Principal, Shahana Khan. respected principal, Dr Md Mahmudul Hassan, Vice Principals, Assistant Vice-Principal and to all the teachers from all the branches (DIS EM, Dhanmondi, DIS EM, Uttara, DIS EV, Dhanmondi, DUSC, DIS, Gazipur).  It's nice to hear that the Principal gave a vote of thanks at the program. It's always important to show appreciation to those who made the event possible and to thank the attendees for their participation.
Refreshments were provided and group photos were taken at the end of the program. It's always nice to have a visual reminder of the event and the people who attended. It also gives attendees a chance to socialize and reflect on the experience.

Common Forum / Pre University (L3IFDHES)
« on: June 14, 2023, 11:36:44 AM »
Exciting news for Pre University (L3IFDHES)!
Upon completing the Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies (L3IFDHES) and holding a valid high school diploma, students are eligible to apply for first year entry to Acsenda undergraduate programmes - Bachelor of Hospitality Management (BHM) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). And now, we are pleased to announce a new university progression route to Acsenda School of Management in Vancouver, Canada!
#DISPreuniversity, #NCC, #L3IFDHES


A poem is a kind of literary writing. It has some characteristics. Two of them are Stanza and Rhyming.

Stanza: A stanza is a group of lines in a poem. It consists of two or more lines arranged together as a unit. Most poems are divided into stanzas. A stanza in a poem is like a paragraph in an essay.

Rhyming: The similar sounding words at the ends of the alternate lines of a poem.

জেনে রাখো:

কবিতা হলো একধরনের সাহিত্য রচনা। এর কিছু বৈশিষ্ট্য আছে। তাদের মধ্যে দুটি হলো স্তবক এবং ছন্দ।

স্তবক: স্তবক হচ্ছে একটি কবিতার লাইনের একটি গ্রুপ। এটি দুই বা ততোধিক লাইন নিয়ে গঠিত যারা একটি একক হিসাবে একসঙ্গে সাজানো। অধিকাংশ কবিতা স্তবকে বিভক্ত। একটি কবিতায় একটি স্তবক একটি প্রবন্ধের অনুচ্ছেদের মতো।

ছন্দ: একটি কবিতার বিকল্প লাইনের শেষে অনুরূপ শব্দযুক্ত শব্দমালা হলো ছন্দ।

ইকবাল খান,প্রভাষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা

জ্যামিতির ধারণা বিকাশের ক্ষেত্রে যা জানা দরকার, তা তোমাদের বোঝার জন্য নিচে বর্ণনা করা হলো।

স্থান: স্থান বলতে কোনো নির্দিষ্ট আকারের বস্তু যতটুকু জায়গা দখল করে, তা বোঝায়।

তল: কোনো বস্তুর উপরিভাগকে তল বলে। যেমন: একটি ইটের ছয়টি পৃষ্ঠ আছে। প্রত্যেক পৃষ্ঠ এক একটি তল নির্দেশ করে। তল দ্বিমাত্রিক।

বিন্দু: যার শুধু অবস্থান আছে, কিন্তু দৈর্ঘ্য, প্রস্থ ও বেধ (উচ্চতা) নেই, তাকে বিন্দু বলে। যেমন: (.) একটি বিন্দু।

রেখা: যার কোনো নির্দিষ্ট দৈর্ঘ্য নেই তাকে রেখা বলে।

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির নতুন বই - গণিত | জ্যামিতি
চিত্রে AB একটি রেখা বা সরলরেখা।

রেখাংশ: যার নির্দিষ্ট দৈর্ঘ্য আছে, তাকে রেখাংশ বলে। রেখাংশের দুটি প্রাপ্তবিন্দু আছে

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির নতুন বই - গণিত | জ্যামিতি
চিত্রে AB একটি রেখাংশ।

রশ্মি: যার একটি প্রান্ত বিন্দু আছে, কিন্তু নির্দিষ্ট দৈর্ঘ্য নেই, তাকে রশ্মি বলে।

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির নতুন বই - গণিত | জ্যামিতি
চিত্রে AB একটি রশ্মি

বিন্দু, রেখা, তল–সম্পর্কিত কয়েকটি প্রয়োজনীয় ধারণা বা স্বতঃসিদ্ধ

১. দুটি বিন্দুর মধ্য দিয়ে একটি এবং কেবল একটি সরলরেখা আঁকা যায়।

২. যেসব বিন্দু একই সরলরেখায় অবস্থান করে, তাদের সমরেখা বিন্দু বলা হয়।

৩. একটি রেখাংশের দৈর্ঘ্যই তার প্রান্ত বিন্দুদ্বয়ের দূরত্ব।

৪. প্রান্ত বিন্দু ছাড়া রেখাংশের যেকোনো বিন্দুকে ওই রেখাংশের অন্তঃস্থ বিন্দু বলা হয়।

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির নতুন বই - গণিত | জ্যামিতি
চিত্রে PR রেখাংশের অন্তঃস্থ বিন্দু Q হলে, PQ+QR = PR হবে।

৫. একই সমতলে দুটি রেখা একটি এবং কেবল একটি বিন্দুতে পরস্পরকে ছেদ করতে পারে।

৬. যদি দুটি বিন্দু একই সমতলে অবস্থান করে, তবে তাদের সংযোগ রেখা সম্পূর্ণভাবে ওই তলেই অবস্থান করে।

রণজিৎ কুমার শীল, সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, ধানমন্ডি সরকারি বালিকা উচ্চবিদ্যালয়, ঢাকা

অধ্যায় ১
১১. মূলধন বাজেটিং সিদ্ধান্তের মাধ্যমে নিচের কোনটি মূল্যায়ন করা হয়?

    ক. ঝুঁকির মাত্রা   

   খ. বিনিয়োগ সিদ্ধান্ত

   গ. লভ্যাংশ নীতি

   ঘ. মূলধন কাঠামো

১২. মালিকানার ভিত্তিতে অর্থায়ন কোন  দুই রকমের হয়ে থাকে?

   ক. আংশিক মালিকানা ও পূর্ণ মালিকানা

   খ. স্বল্পমেয়াদি ও দীর্ঘমেয়াদি

   গ. সরকারি ও বেসরকারি

   ঘ. স্বল্পমেয়াদি ও মধ্যমেয়াদি

১৩. উৎসের ভিত্তিতে অর্থায়ন কত ধরনের হয়ে থাকে?

   ক. এক          খ. দুই

   গ. পাঁচ          ঘ. ছয়

১৪. মুনাফার অবণ্টিত বা সংরক্ষিত অংশ থেকে যে অর্থায়ন করা হয় তা নিচের কোন শ্রেণির অন্তর্ভুক্ত?

   ক. অভ্যন্তরীণ অর্থায়ন

   খ. বাহ্যিক অর্থায়ন

   গ. অবণ্টিত অর্থায়ন

   ঘ. ব্যক্তিগত অর্থায়ন

 ১৫. স্বল্পমেয়াদি অর্থায়নের সর্বোচ্চ মেয়াদ বা সময় কত?

   ক. তিন মাস       খ. ছয় মাস

   গ. এক বছর       ঘ. দুই বছর

 ১৬. অব্যবসায় অর্থায়নের ক্ষেত্রে নিচের কোনটি প্রযোজ্য নয়?

   ক. সিকিউরিটি ইস্যু

   খ. প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক অর্থায়ন

    গ. জামানত যুক্ত অর্থায়ন

   ঘ. দীর্ঘমেয়াদি অর্থায়ন

১৭. ক্রেডিট রেটিং কী?

   ক. ধারে বিক্রয়ের ক্ষেত্রে কমিশনের রেট বা হার নির্ধারণ করা

    খ. নিরপেক্ষ প্রতিষ্ঠান কর্তৃক ঋণ পরিশোধের সামর্থ্য যাচাই

    গ. কোনো প্রতিষ্ঠানের ক্রেডিট নীতি বা ধারে বিক্রয়ের নীতি নির্ধারণ

    ঘ. অতীতের মুনাফার হার বিশ্লেষণ করা

১৮. নিচের কোনটি অর্থায়নের নীতি নয়?

   ক. ঝুঁকি প্রতিদান সমন্বয় নীতি

   খ. সম্পদ সর্বাধিকরণ নীতি

   গ. অর্থের সময়মূল্য নীতি

   ঘ. ক্ষতিপূরণের নীতি

 ১৯. নিচের কোনটি ঝুঁকি প্রদান সমন্বয় নীতির সহায়ক নীতি নয়?

    ক. উপযুক্ত কর নীতি

   খ. ঝুঁকি পরিহার নীতি

    গ. পোর্টফোলিও বৈচিত্র্যায়ন নীতি

   ঘ. ব্যবসায় চক্র বিশ্লেষণ নীতি

২০. ঝুঁকি বহুমুখীকরণ বা পোর্টফোলিও বৈচিত্র্যায়ন নীতির মূল বক্তব্য কী?

   ক. একটিমাত্র সম্পত্তিতে বিনিয়োগ করা

   খ. একাধিক সম্পত্তিতে বিনিয়োগ করে ঝুঁকি হ্রাস করা

    গ. ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ বিনিয়োগ পরিহার করা

    ঘ. পোর্ট বা বন্দর পর্যন্ত পণ্য পৌঁছে দেওয়ার নীতি

সঠিক উত্তর

অধ্যায় ১: ১১.খ   ১২.গ   ১৩.খ   ১৪.ক   ১৫.গ   ১৬.ক   ১৭.খ   ১৮.ঘ   ১৯.ক   ২০.খ

মোহাম্মদ জয়নাল আবেদীন, প্রভাষক, সিদ্ধেশ্বরী কলেজ, ঢাকা

অধ্যায় ২
১. হিসাবরক্ষণের মূল ভিত্তি কী?

   ক. লেনদেন       খ. জাবেদা

   গ. চালান          ঘ. ক্রয় বই

২. লেনদেন সর্বদা পরিবর্তন আনে কোনটির?

   ক. মোট সম্পত্তির    খ. মোট আয়ের

   গ. মোট মুনাফার    ঘ. আর্থিক অবস্থার

৩. ব্যবসায় প্রতিষ্ঠানে যেসব দৈনন্দিন ঘটনা ঘটে সেগুলোকে লেনদেনের কী বলে?

   ক. দলিল          খ. ভিত্তি

   গ. উৎস          ঘ. বৈশিষ্ট্য

৪. হিসাবের উৎস কী?

   ক. লেনদেন       খ. জাবেদা

   গ. রেওয়ামিল       ঘ. ক্রয় বৃদ্ধি

৫. প্রতিটি লেনদেন পরিমাপযোগ্য হয় কিসে?

   ক. মিটারে       খ. লিটারে

   গ. টাকায়          ঘ. কিলোগ্রামে

৬. লেনদেন শব্দটির আভিধানিক অর্থ কী?

   ক. দেনা–পাওনা    

   খ. মন দেওয়া–নেওয়া

   গ. আদান–প্রদান    

   ঘ. আয়–ব্যয়

৭.  লেনদেনগুলোকে লিপিবদ্ধ করার জন্য সঠিক পদ্ধতি অনুসরণ করার মূল উদ্দেশ্য কোনটি?

   ক. সঠিক আর্থিক অবস্থা নির্ণয় করা

   খ. ব্যবসায়ের বিভিন্ন সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করা

    গ. জালিয়াতি রোধ করা

   ঘ. আয় নির্ণয়

৮. একটা ব্যবসায়ের লেনদেনের ফলাফল কী হতে পারে?

   ক. দীর্ঘস্থায়ী

   খ. স্বল্পমেয়াদি

   গ. স্বল্পমেয়াদি দীর্ঘস্থায়ী

   ঘ. মধ্যমেয়াদি

৯. আর্থিক অবস্থার পরিবর্তন হলে কী হবে?

   ক. অবচয়          খ. লেনদেন

   গ. ক্ষতি          ঘ. লাভ

১০. মেশিনের অবচয় ধার্য করা হলো ৫০০ টাকা এটি কোন ধরনের লেনদেন?

   ক. বকেয়া লেনদেন

   খ. দৃশ্যমান

   গ. নগদ লেনদেন

   ঘ. অদৃশ্যমান লেনদেন

সঠিক উত্তর

অধ্যায় ২: ১.ক   ২.ঘ   ৩.গ   ৪.ক   ৫.গ   ৬.গ   ৭.ক   ৮.গ   ৯.খ   ১০.ঘ 

মুহাম্মদ আলী, সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, মনিপুর উচ্চবিদ্যালয় ও কলেজ, ঢাকা

IT Club / DIS Inter Branch ICT Olympiad 2016
« on: February 20, 2023, 01:58:47 PM »
Get Enlightened with ICT’ the motto of Daffodil International School ICT Club and motto of this year’s ICT Olympiad express our student’s self motivation for now and future. We Daffodil International School (DIS) is not only an academic institution but an innovation factory to teach ICT focused knowledge that empowers our students towards new innovation, - We believe it.

 I. C. T. Information and communications technology. Yes, the aim of DIS Inter Branch ICT Olympiad is to nurture students’ self-esteem to practice technological excellence as well as promoting their intellectual literacy and communication skills in a superior hype.

 The day long Olympiad consists different competitions like ICT quiz, Programming, Logo Programming, Web design and motto writing Competition will be held, the best mottos will hang in the wall banners around the auditorium. Around 150 students from Dhanmondi, Uttara, Sobhanbag and Chandpur had been competed day long DIS Inter Branch ICT Olympiad 2016.


Educational Comics in a STEM Lesson PlanHands-on lessons are a perennial favorite in the classroom for both students and teachers. Students typically learn best when they are personally invested in the lesson — the more attention paid to the topic at hand, the better! Getting students involved in a hands-on way for STEM can take many forms. Why not try educational comics or graphic novels? Making a comic is a fantastic exercise in artistic expression: throwing some STEM into the mix makes it all the better.

The following lesson plan concept is aimed primarily at elementary school students. Of course, feel free to adapt it to any age group (the only real change would be the complexity of the STEM topic).

Lesson Overview

The goal is for students to create a short comic book or graphic novel that will spark further interest in the STEM fields.

Task Overview

The students will watch a short video clip to introduce them to the idea of technology changing over time. The students will then be divided into small groups. Each group will work together to produce a short graphic novel or comic book that will show how the students feel the world will change in the future.

Lesson Introduction and Hook (~2-5 min)
The teacher will show the students this YouTube video clip from the old cartoon show The Jetsons. Before showing the students the clip, ask the students to try to remember one ‘takeaway’ from the clip — some piece of technology, clothing, or social mannerism that does not exist in today’s world.

Concept Check

Once the clip is over, allow the students a minute to consider what they have seen. Ask some of the following questions to engage students and incentivize discussion:

       What did you see the Jetsons do in the clip that seemed impossible?
       What similarities exist between you, your family, and the Jetsons?
       Do you want a flying car (who doesn’t?)
Task Preparation (~5 min)
With the students divided into groups of 3-4 students (depending on the size of your class), hand out copies of this one-page, single-panel comic. Have the students read the comic. Once each group has read the comic, have a brief discussion about the comic as a class.

Concept Check

       This is “what kind” of book? (Comic book).
       Does the Sun end up wearing pants?
       What happens to the pants the Sun puts on?
Task Production
Now that the students understand the idea of technology in the future (The Jetsons) and have an idea of how comic books work (Unearthed Comics), each group will produce a short (1-2 page, depending on time) comic book.

Ask the students to do the following:

Write a short, 1-2 page comic book that takes place in the future.
The hero of their story can be anyone — an elementary student, an astronaut, a superhero, etc.
The hero must encounter or use at least one “futuristic thing” that the students find amusing or interesting (flying cars, robot dogs, teleportation, and so on).
The goal here is for the students to actively engage in thinking about the ways in which science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can change the world they live in.
Depending on your class size and length, aim for 15-20 minutes of writing and illustration time.
Task Review
Once the students have completed their comics, ask for volunteers to share. After each group has shared, ask clarifying questions to the class regarding what sort of technology the comic has shown (and whether they, too, would like a robot cat!). :)

Reference Site:

There’s no denying that STEM is in high demand, and rightfully so. The more we prepare our students for careers in this high-growth field, the better equipped they will be in the future. In a future increasingly focused on the gig economy, STEM education and entrepreneurship will be more closely linked than ever before – these skills will be applicable in more than just traditional, ‘stable’ jobs.

In fact, entrepreneurship skills and STEM education go hand-in-hand. The competencies required to succeed in STEM–creativity, problem-solving, foresight, adaptability–are equally suited for success as an entrepreneur.

Actionable Skills
At the heart of every great entrepreneurial venture is the desire to solve a problem. That underlying ideology is what makes STEM so enjoyable for many of our students. Give students the tools and skills they need to solve a problem and watch them work it out on their own!

More so than in perhaps any other field, STEM teaches actionable skills to students:

1: Adaptability and Flexibility

Students need to be able to analyze new problems as they arise and develop solutions rapidly. Keeping an open mind is fundamental to success in both STEM education and entrepreneurship. After all, nothing ever goes as planned the first time around!

Flexibility ties into persistence (discussed below). The best way to approach problem-solving is with an open mind towards creative, unique solutions.

2: Persistence

Ask anyone involved in coding or software engineering and they’ll agree: persistence and dedication are absolutely necessary to succeed. STEM careers are notorious for tasking workers with problems that require a lot of elbow grease to solve.

Likewise, it’s difficult to think of a single successful entrepreneur who didn’t top the charts in terms of persistence.

3: Data Above Everything

Entrepreneurship requires vision, but also requires a firm understanding of practical realities. STEM emphasizes data-driven decision-making and successful STEM professionals base their decisions on hard facts.

Making decisions on what we feel or think may pay off occasionally, but it’s universally better to make decisions based on what we know. The more we stress data-driven decision-making to our students, the better prepared they will be for both STEM and their own business ventures.

4: Creativity

Perhaps the most paramount skill in the STEM + Entrepreneurship overlap is creativity. Think of all the great entrepreneurs in history — Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Benjamin Franklin — and consider just how impressive their accomplishments were and still are.

These are people who had the foresight and creativity to imagine solutions to problems that didn’t even exist yet! That’s the sort of forward thinking we need to stress to our students.

Tip: Asking students to explain “why” in their own words is a great way to elicit creative responses.

5: Teamwork

No one, not even the most brilliant entrepreneur, exists in a bubble. Engineers work in teams. Designers and software coders? Teams. And entrepreneurs? Steve Jobs and Bill Gates started entire companies built on a bunch of teams bundled in one. That collaboration catapulted them to the forefront of modern STEM/entrepreneurship discussion.

Tip: An old trick is to ask students to discuss how they would cross a hypothetical wall or barrier. Continue adding more barriers (a moat, perhaps a dragon if you’re feeling inventive) and see how your students naturally turn towards teamwork as the solution.

Practical Skills
Of course, STEM education also provides practical skills for students to succeed. Knowledge to actually perform the STEM task set before them — whether it’s coding or designing a building — is invaluable.

Think of it more as a theoretical background, though. For example, any practicing engineer will tell you that they rarely (if ever) use the “calculate this differential on paper” method taught in universities. But where STEM education shines is teaching students how to think, not what to think.

Similarities Abound
STEM and entrepreneurship require many of the same skills. STEM skills are applicable in a broad range of ventures outside of careers in hard science. After all, STEM education teaches students how to think above all else — that’s invaluable.

Reference site

There’s no denying that STEM is in high demand, and rightfully so. The more we prepare our students for careers in this high-growth field, the better equipped they will be in the future. In a future increasingly focused on the gig economy, STEM education and entrepreneurship will be more closely linked than ever before – these skills will be applicable in more than just traditional, ‘stable’ jobs.

In fact, entrepreneurship skills and STEM education go hand-in-hand. The competencies required to succeed in STEM–creativity, problem-solving, foresight, adaptability–are equally suited for success as an entrepreneur.

Actionable Skills
At the heart of every great entrepreneurial venture is the desire to solve a problem. That underlying ideology is what makes STEM so enjoyable for many of our students. Give students the tools and skills they need to solve a problem and watch them work it out on their own!

More so than in perhaps any other field, STEM teaches actionable skills to students:

1: Adaptability and Flexibility

Students need to be able to analyze new problems as they arise and develop solutions rapidly. Keeping an open mind is fundamental to success in both STEM education and entrepreneurship. After all, nothing ever goes as planned the first time around!

Flexibility ties into persistence (discussed below). The best way to approach problem-solving is with an open mind towards creative, unique solutions.

2: Persistence

Ask anyone involved in coding or software engineering and they’ll agree: persistence and dedication are absolutely necessary to succeed. STEM careers are notorious for tasking workers with problems that require a lot of elbow grease to solve.

Likewise, it’s difficult to think of a single successful entrepreneur who didn’t top the charts in terms of persistence.

3: Data Above Everything

Entrepreneurship requires vision, but also requires a firm understanding of practical realities. STEM emphasizes data-driven decision-making and successful STEM professionals base their decisions on hard facts.

Making decisions on what we feel or think may pay off occasionally, but it’s universally better to make decisions based on what we know. The more we stress data-driven decision-making to our students, the better prepared they will be for both STEM and their own business ventures.

4: Creativity

Perhaps the most paramount skill in the STEM + Entrepreneurship overlap is creativity. Think of all the great entrepreneurs in history — Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Benjamin Franklin — and consider just how impressive their accomplishments were and still are.

These are people who had the foresight and creativity to imagine solutions to problems that didn’t even exist yet! That’s the sort of forward thinking we need to stress to our students.

Tip: Asking students to explain “why” in their own words is a great way to elicit creative responses.

5: Teamwork

No one, not even the most brilliant entrepreneur, exists in a bubble. Engineers work in teams. Designers and software coders? Teams. And entrepreneurs? Steve Jobs and Bill Gates started entire companies built on a bunch of teams bundled in one. That collaboration catapulted them to the forefront of modern STEM/entrepreneurship discussion.

Tip: An old trick is to ask students to discuss how they would cross a hypothetical wall or barrier. Continue adding more barriers (a moat, perhaps a dragon if you’re feeling inventive) and see how your students naturally turn towards teamwork as the solution.

Practical Skills
Of course, STEM education also provides practical skills for students to succeed. Knowledge to actually perform the STEM task set before them — whether it’s coding or designing a building — is invaluable.

Think of it more as a theoretical background, though. For example, any practicing engineer will tell you that they rarely (if ever) use the “calculate this differential on paper” method taught in universities. But where STEM education shines is teaching students how to think, not what to think.

Similarities Abound
STEM and entrepreneurship require many of the same skills. STEM skills are applicable in a broad range of ventures outside of careers in hard science. After all, STEM education teaches students how to think above all else — that’s invaluable.

Reference site

Google Classroom / Google Classroom
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:39:44 PM »
 Classroom is available to anyone with Google Apps for Education, a free suite of productivity tools including Gmail, Drive and Docs.

Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly, including time-saving features like the ability to automatically make a copy of a Google Document for each student. It also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized.

Students can keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom.

Fair, Event, Program / World earthday-2014
« on: April 24, 2014, 03:16:17 PM »
Daffodil International School celebrated World Earth Day by organized demonstrations, plant trees, clean up environment, demand renewable energy targets, Green IT and much more. This year’s theme is Green Cities.
Earth Day is a day of action. And action is exactly what we need. The environmental challenges of our time are too great and too urgent for us not to march, teach, and rally for a safe, stable climate and a planet where our children can survive and thrive.

Examination Policies / Exam Rules
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:26:28 PM »
Daffodil International School

Exam Rules

1)   No folder is allowed in the Exam Hall- one board is sufficient to write on.
2)   Students must carry their pen, eraser, sharpener (all is needed to write) in their hands or in a transparent plastic pencil box/bag.
3)   Students are not to borrow any thing from any body during the examination.
4)   Talking inside the exam hall is forbidden- 5 marks will be deducted for any attempt to talk. The student may be asked to leave the room at the teacher’s discretion.
5)   When the examination starts, the student must write his/her name only, on the question paper. No other writing is permitted.
6)   Students will start their answer writing from second page of the answer script.
7)    Students must write their name, class and subject on the front page and on alternate pages. Students must also number their pages. They must mark the answer correctly.
8)   An unmarked answer will not be corrected or marked.
9)   The math rough work should be done on the right side of the answer script after drawing 1.5 inch margin
10)   Students must not read the question paper before the bell rings to start the exam. The question paper will be placed upside down on their desks during this time. They must not write anything after the bell rings to end the exam.
11)   Any student arriving later than half an hour of the scheduled exam time will not be permitted extra time.
12)   No student may leave the exam hall 15 minutes before the allotted time.

Edexcel Board / O Level A' level
« on: February 18, 2014, 11:23:30 AM »
O and A' level registration requirements

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