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Messages - Mahmud

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IT Forum / Operating System
« on: August 02, 2011, 08:52:12 PM »
OS' computer abbreviation usually means ?
A.    Order of Significance
B.    Open Software
C.    Operating System
D.    Optical Sensor

Answer: Option C

IT Forum / What is part of a database .
« on: August 02, 2011, 08:48:00 PM »
What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
A.    Report   B.    Field
C.    Record   D.    File

Answer: Option B

IT Forum / IEEE
« on: August 02, 2011, 08:45:28 PM »
In which decade was the IEEE founded?
A.    1850s   B.    1880s
C.    1930s   D.    1950s

Answer: Option B


What frequency range is the High Frequency band?
A.    100 kHz
B.    1 GHz
C.    30 to 300 MHz
D.    3 to 30 MHz

Ans:   D.    3 to 30 MHz

General Knowledge & IQ / Who developed Yahoo?
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:58:56 PM »
        Who developed Yahoo?
A.    Dennis Ritchie & Ken Thompson
B.    David Filo & Jerry Yang
C.    Vint Cerf & Robert Kahn
D.    Steve Case & Jeff Bezos

Ans: B. David Filo & Jerry Yang

General Knowledge & IQ / ESCAP stands for.
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:55:53 PM »
ESCAP stands for
A.    European Society Council for Africa and Pacific
B.     Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
C.    Economic and Social Commission for Africa and Pacific
D.    None of the above

Ans: B.     Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific

General Knowledge & IQ / Headquarters of UNO are situated
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:53:12 PM »
Headquarters of UNO are situated at
A.    New York, USA
B.    Haque (Netherlands)
C.     Paris
D.    Dhaka

Ans: A. New York

General Knowledge & IQ / Euclid was
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:49:45 PM »
Euclid was
A.    Greek mathematician
B.    Contributor to the use of deductive principles of logic as the basis of geometry
C.    Propounded the geometrical theorems
D.    Both of

Ans: D. Both of.

During World War II, when did Germany attack France?
A.    1941   B.    1940
C.    1942   D.    1943

Ans: B. 1940

Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on
A.    May 8   B.    May 18
C.    June 8   D.    June 18

Ans: May 8

General Knowledge & IQ / First Indo-Pak war was started in the year
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:39:33 PM »
First Indo-Pak war was started in the year
A.    1947   B.    1948
C.    1949   D.    1950

Ans: A. 1947

General Knowledge & IQ / Re: Galileo was an Italian astronomer who
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:18:29 PM »
Ans:   developed the telescope
   discovered four satellites of Jupiter
    discovered that the movement of pendulum produces a regular time measurement

General Knowledge & IQ / Galileo was an Italian astronomer who
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:04:23 PM »
Galileo was an Italian astronomer who
A.    developed the telescope
B.    discovered four satellites of Jupiter
C.    discovered that the movement of pendulum produces a regular time measurement
D.    All of the above

Nazi Party

6.      Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as
A.    Labour Party
B.    Nazi Party
C.    Ku-Klux-Klan
D.    Democratic Party

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